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Becoming a vendor sponsor for the Midwest Transmission Conference offers unparalleled access to key engineering and operations personnel from the region's leading generation and transmission cooperatives. This sponsorship provides a unique platform to showcase your products and services, foster valuable industry connections, and establish your brand as a leader in the transmission sector. Engage directly with decision-makers, gain insights into the latest industry trends and create lasting partnerships that can drive your business forward. Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your visibility and influence within the Midwest Transmission Conference community.

Please select your sponsorship package below.

Bronze package includes attendance for one (1) representative, an 8x10 Booth Space, General Session Acknowledgement and MTC Website Logo Advertising. Also includes attendance at Monday evening vendor networking social. (Attendance at Tuesday and Wednesday evening social events and tours is NOT included in the Bronze package). Golf can be added on to any sponsorship package on the next page but is not a stand alone package. Hotel is purchased separately via the hotel booking link found on the Hotel and Travel info page on the MTC website. 

Silver package includes attendance for two (2) representatives, an 8x10 Booth Space, General Session Acknowledgement, MTC Website Logo Advertising, Program Advertising and Conference Meal Sponsorship. Also includes attendance at Monday evening and Tuesday evening social events. (Attendance at Wednesday evening social event and tours is NOT included in the Silver package). Golf can be added on to any sponsorship package on the next page but is not a stand alone package. Hotel is purchased separately via the hotel booking link found on the Hotel and Travel info page on the MTC website. 

Gold package includes attendance for four (4) representatives, Golf sponsorship for two (2), an 8x10 Booth, Premier Conference Advertising (logo included on MTC Website, in Welcome, Registration, General Signage & Program), Conference Meal Sponsorship,Transportation Sponsorship. Also includes attendance at all conference activities (evening social events and tours).  Additional golfers can be added on to any sponsorship package on the next page but is not a stand alone package. Hotel is purchased separately via the hotel booking link found on the Hotel and Travel info page on the MTC website. 

Company Address
One file only.
100 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png.
Booth Electricity

Is electricity at your booth space needed?

Representative 1
Representative Name
Do you have any dietary restrictions?
Please let us know of any dietary restrictions you may have.
Representative 2
Only available by purchasing the Silver, Gold, Platinum or Diamond packages, or by purchasing the Additional Sponsor Representative package for each additional representative beyond your selected Sponsorship package. 
Representative Name
Do you have any dietary restrictions?
Please let us know of any dietary restrictions you may have.
Representative 3
Only available by purchasing the Gold package, or by purchasing the Additional Sponsor Representative package for each additional representative beyond your selected Sponsorship package. 
Representative Name 3
Do you have any dietary restrictions?
Please let us know of any dietary restrictions you may have.
Representative 4
Only available by purchasing the Platinum or Diamond packages, or by purchasing the Additional Sponsor Representative package for each additional representative beyond your selected Sponsorship package. 
Representative Name 4
Do you have any dietary restrictions?
Please let us know of any dietary restrictions you may have.